War on Terror? Has Postal Dude's brain trauma given him the ability to see the hidden machinations of some bovine Ultimate Evil attempting to bring about the very End of the World? Or is it just a bunch of random elements some pea-brained level designers strung together on a shoe-string budget? Only the Postal Dude can find the truth.Īpocalypse Weekend is the single player expansion pack for the controversial first-person murder simulator, Postal 2. Could there be some connection between Postal Dude's visions, the evil video game publisher Whiptail Interactive, the recent mysterious mad-cow induced zombie outbreak, and the U.S. As the shiftless Postal Dude bounces from one deadbeat mission-based job to another in order to earn enough money to buy back his repossessed dog and trailer home, he finds that his self-inflicted gunshot head-wound is causing him to have periodic visions of a bizarre, grotesque parallel universe where the walls are made of flesh and blood and where he comes under constant attack from mummified demonic children that look suspiciously like Gary Coleman. If the Postal Dude kicks one of the warheads located at the silo, the game will be interrupted by a clip of the Earth exploding, obviously killing the Postal Dude in the process, due to the vast number of bombs in the place, and triggering a game over.Apocalypse Weekend begins on the Saturday following the climactic Apocalypse at the end of Postal².What is even more funny is that they are placed on cinderbricks.

Ironically, there is no runway long enough for them to take off.

The Military Base segment of the game is split into four parts due to its length.The main gates of the base are broke open by zombies, who attack the soldiers and give them things to shoot at other than Postal Dude, who manages to run out through the gates and back into Lower Paradise. Thinking it will be enough to bring down the Bullfish Interactive headquarters, the Dude takes the Thermo-nuclear warhead and continues to escape the base whilst having periodic Hallucinations. One stands out from the rest, being a Thermo-nuclear warhead. During the escape, he comes across an ordnance silo filled with nuclear warheads and artillery shells. The Dude then shoots his way through the base, killing numerous soldiers in the process. He is taken to the Military Base where he has to share a cell with a terrorist, of whom he sets on fire with Matches in order to start the sprinklers and open all cell doors. On Sunday, Postal Dude is arrested by the National Guard at the Terrorist Training Camp during his escape.

The Military Base is located somewhere in the outskirts of Lower Paradise, and it is where the National Guard are deployed from. The Paradise Military Base is an area in Apocalypse Weekend.